Gift ideas for dummies
Some people have started to wrap their presents early to get it out of the way.
By: Amanda Bream
Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs
Christmas time is coming towards Centennial at full force, and it is not time to dawdle when picking out presents.
Christmas is a joyous time of year but picking out presents for family for friends can make it stressful. However, there are many presents that are always safe when it comes to not knowing what to give someone.
A safe present would be hygiene products. These products make great stocking stuffers and the person might really need them.
Another great idea would be clothing. Of course, size is very important information to get, but once that is attained shopping for clothes for someone else can be really fun. Especially for those who love clothes shopping.
Gift cards, gift cards, gift cards. Those who are really struggling to find the perfect gift should give that person a gift card. This way that person can buy something they really want but from you.
Presents do not always have to be store-bought. Presents can be made from home as well. This is a great idea especially for those who are on a tight budget this year. In the end, it is the thought that counts, not the price.
Finally, a tip from home. Presents do not always have to be what that person specifically wants. For example: Say someone is looking at gifts and sees a gift that may not be on the friend’s list but that the person thinks will be perfect for that person. That is what Christmas is about when it comes to gifts.
Hopefully, this helped those who are really struggling with finding gifts for friends and family. The more someone buys presents for Christmas, the easier it gets.

Amanda is currently an Editor-in-Chief for Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs. She is a senior in high school planning to attend the University of Mobile in the...