Tips and tricks on getting work done

In Canvas, students can see the work needing to be done.
By: Finn Green
Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs
Staff editor
During COVID a lot of students have been affected and have had to stay home or at least away from school and other public areas and not be able to get much done, whether due to distractions or other things.
Students are required to have a laptop for school for a reason and this is a big reason and it’s better to have one anyway. Students think it would be better if most things are online, especially during this difficult time of a lot of students needing to be home and need to get information online and mail their teachers.
At least if not everything is online then students should at least be able to find out what they are doing in class online like in canvas, especially if they are gone and in quarantine.
Many students complain about not being able to find out what they have to do that day and there is no way for them to find out. So students should have the right to see what is going on and get the information so they don’t miss anything too bad.
Students should be doing their part too as well. While they are gone for the time being they should check email and Canvas as well Infinite Campus every day. They should check Canvas because then they can see what they are missing and don’t have to do much when they get back in the classroom. They should also check their email, just in case teachers are emailing about what to do about assignments. Finally, they should check Infinite Campus as well so they can stay on track with their grades and make sure it’s all intact. Students need to be careful and stay caught up.

Finn is a sophomore. He likes to draw. He enjoys making stories as well as trying to make digital art. Finn is inspired to write articles for the...