Bullying resurfaces on social media

Instagram continues to be a common place for cyberbullying.

“Instagram” by Jon@th@nC is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Instagram continues to be a common place for cyberbullying.

Instagram has been a problem for many years when it came to cyberbullying.
Bullying has transcended from real life into online platforms where users can hide behind a screen and say hurtful comments with usually no consequences.
Bullying has increased beyond the point of imagination because more and more people are becoming victims of online bullying. Many can take a look on Instagram and see users spreading hateful comments on posts, which can lead to a decline in mental health to those who are posting on their feed.
Hate comments, harassment and even death threats have been sent to all kinds of people, whether they were well known or not. Not even just Instagram, but Tik-Tok has also been a breeding ground for cyberbullying as many people on Tik Tok have committed suicide from harassment online.

Bullying is constant and scary for the victims because it can come from anyone and everyone. Most of the time the hate is from people who don’t even know the victims, which makes it even more worrisome safety-wise.
This generation is surrounded by technology, which can be beneficial, but in these instances is quite harmful.
However, it is a common occurrence that most bullies are insecure, which is why they choose to bring down others.
The only solution to this is that the victims could block those who are posting on their feed, but a lot of times those who are celebrities have such a widespread of people commenting on their posts that they can not block them all, only the ones that might pose a true threat.
Overall, the best way to avoid cyberbullying is to try and ignore any harassment that is online, even if it is extremely difficult to do.