BSU Seniors to receive awards at ceremony

Natasha Johnson

Bulldogs BSU Club pose with award.

Seniors of the Black Student Union at Centennial high school will receive awards for the achievements of being a part of BSU.
Black student union is a group of students typically African American students, the students spend time focusing on helping other black students by making sure black students are getting the treatment they deserve, rather than being left in the shadows.
“BSU gives me a very buoyant feeling, it makes me feel very accomplished. Receiving the awards is a very wow moment for me, black excellence goes on everyday but is not often recognized,” senior Natasha Johnson said.
The BSU award ceremony will be held at Liberty high school, on Friday, Mar 25 whereBSU will be receiving awards and recognition for its members’ hard work. BSU is not only empowering because of demonstrating black excellence, but this year’s staff members of BSU are all girls and work hard to give a great representation of the black bulldog students.
Students interested in joining BSU can reach out to assigned counselor’s for additional information.