Senior sendoff experience


The front of Centennial High School where much of the Broadcast is filmed.

Senior year is something that I always thought about, but it was never something that I thought would come and go so quickly. My four years of high school were super eventful, I can say that so many things happened along the way that younger me would not have expected.
I genuinely appreciate everything that I experienced and everyone who met I along the way. If there is one thing that I learned from my four years of high school, things come and go, whether we like it or not.
I can now say that I strive to live every day at the moment because in the blink of an eye everything changes.
My advice to my fellow underclassmen would be to stay focused on what matters because you will always have the chance to go back to other things and remember that you only get high school once.
My favorite memory from my senior year is when it was my first in-person day back on campus. I remember feeling super confused and having no idea where my classes were but I somehow managed to figure it out.
That memory reminds me to be patient with things because, in the end, I will get the hang of things eventually.