Student Halloween Traditions

Clifford Merrill

Children enjoy carving pumpkins for Halloween fun.

Despite being a very popular holiday, Halloween is typically overlooked.
Students don’t get a day off school for it and stores are eager to fill the shelves with Christmas decorations.
Halloween was brought to the US by European immigrants and it became a national holiday, one of the most celebrated in the world.
“Every year for Halloween I take my younger brother trick or treating and then I stay up all night and watch scary movies. Too much candy and no sleep usually results in staying home from school the next day,” freshman, Alex Cantler said.
Sadly, most teens no longer trick or treat, saying they either grew out of it or people gave them a hard time for it. However, that doesn’t mean teens can’t find another way to spend the holiday.
“My parents told me I was too old for Halloween so now I throw a party for my friends. We dress up in the weirdest costumes we can find and watch classic Halloween movies,” sophomore, Rebecca Sann said.
Last year, approximately 600 million pounds of candy were bought in America for Halloween and an estimated 146 million people carved pumpkins.
“My family likes to go to the fair and get pumpkins to carve. We usually take them to my grandma’s house and put them in her yard and sometimes we get an extra pumpkin and we make pumpkin pie,” sophomore, Kendra Mead said.
There are many different activities and traditions for Halloween. Every student celebrates it in their own way.