FCCLA Spotlight
By: Brooke Mayo
Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs
Staff Writer
Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is an after-school program that gives students opportunities to engage in their passions. The advisors of FCCLA are Ms. Reuel (Fashion), Chef Mayorga (Culinary), and Ms. Blanchard (Early Childhood). To join FCCLA, you have to take more than one year or currently be enrolled in a CTE class/a Family Consumer Science Course, such as fashion, teaching and training, culinary, or early childhood.
FCCLA has been a club that has come and gone over the past 10 years, providing students with an outlet to express their creativity. The main purpose of the club is to help students learn leadership skills, how to compete with others, being able to properly communicate with a person of higher authority, and basic life skills that can be beneficial later down the road.
FCCLA competes in various competitions where they can showcase their talents, connect with others, win scholarships, and gain experience and exposure to opportunities. FCCLA competes in State competition, which took place in Reno this year where the top two can compete in Nationals, our very own Junior, Brooklyn York, was runner-up at this year’s state!
When asked why she would encourage students to join FCCLA Ms. Reuel stated, “It helps you get in the door.” It’s a great experience and lots of necessary life skills are taught. If you are interested in joining FCCLA meetings take place on Wednesdays at 1:30 in room 302.