Senior Trip
Carmen Rosiles
Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs
Staff Writer
Attention Seniors of Centennial! The Senior Trip is coming soon. A time to make more high school memories, at Universal Studios in Hollywood, California.
In order to attend the senior trip interested students can’t have more than seven absences in any one class per semester. So make sure you’re attending classes consistently and on time.
The cost of the trip is $240, and must be paid to the banker in the front office. The deadline for the payment is Friday, February 21st. Students must be sure that they don’t have any outstanding fines prior to paying for this trip. There is also a parent permission slip that must be filled out, so that they can confirm their consent to you participating in the trip.
If students have any more information regarding the Senior trip, they are welcome to visit Ms. Marzka in the activities office located in the library.