Upcoming Sadie’s Dance
Jayda Booker
Bark! Voice of The Bulldogs
Editor in Chief
As spring slowly approaches and winter comes to an end, that doesn’t stop Centennial from bringing new fun activities to campus. The Sadie’s dance here at Centennial will be taking place on Saturday, February 8th.
The dance will last from 7pm to 10pm in the school quad. Students have a chance to wear their best attire, revolving around the fairy tale theme of Beauty and The Beast. Students interested please be advised that tickets are $5 at the banker and $10 at the door. If any students are interested in bringing a guest outside of Centennial, they must fill out a complete “Dance Guest Pass” on the school website. Student ID cards must also be present at the door!
Activities Advisor, Ms. Markza said “At Sadie’s I hope students are able to create memories with their friends and build school spirit.”
So Bulldogs as the date approaches, get ready to live in a tale as old as time and bust a move enjoying some valuable time embracing your school spirit.