Juniors complete required testing
ACT administered during COVID-19

Students must be prepared with all essential items to take their ACT.
The class of 2022 completed taking their ACT on Feb. 23 throughout Clark County School District.
Students and teachers alike are always scrambling during ACT season. Students are hoping to get the best score possible, while teachers are under pressure until the last days leading up to the exam to help their kids prepare for the test.
“Honestly, I have really tried to prepare for this test. So, I feel pretty good about taking it as of right now,” junior, Jason Furr said.
However, one of the bigger concerns this year is getting kids into the schools to take the exam. Another question, as well, is if kids are even prepared to take it.
“I truly believe that this will probably be some of the lowest ACT scores the district will ever receive. To retain the knowledge that you need for the test, a student needs constant challenges, and they are not getting that through distance learning,” Furr said.
Hopefully, test scores are not affected due to distance education. While at-home education may possibly give you more time to study, it is still hard for some students to process all of the information alone.
“I feel as if it [learning at home] helped me a little more just because I really did try to learn as best I could. Though the concepts are really hard to learn when you have questions. This is because teacher interaction could make learning anything so much easier,” Furr said.
Even though there are bumps in the road for some students, testing will be required for students to graduate.
“The test itself was not bad at all. Even though it was in person, everything seemed safe and normal like any other school day,” Furr said.