Bulldogs welcome healthy mindsets
Healthy mindsets can change how a person’s whole week goes.
Developing and maintaining a healthy mindset during online school learning has been a challenge for some Centennial students, and in the online environment, that very mindset is even more crucial in a student’s success.
Centennial students share tips on how to keep a healthy mindset during online school learning.
“I’m coping with social distancing by following the rules and staying clean to prevent the spread of the germs. At school I’m just doing my best,” junior, Aleanna Drew said.
A healthy mindset is very important, especially for adolescents. According to cdc.org, 3.2% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 1.9 million) have been diagnosed with depression, and 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years (approximately 4.4 million) have been diagnosed with anxiety.
“I don’t think my mental health has depleted. I am still around my family and have access to calling my friends and can stay in touch. Social distancing isn’t the worst thing in the world. I can live with it,” sophomore, Olivia Ciecierski said.
Due to social distancing guidelines, students are not able to see their friends or go out much. For some, that’s what made their day a bit brighter. For others, it is not as important.
“I’m personally coping with it by being on social media and talking to my friends when I’m not busy. It helps me because I don’t feel disconnected from the world,” Drew said.
Though social media can be good in some aspects, it can also be very harmful. According to HelpGuide.org, social media may promote negative experiences such as inadequacy about your life or appearance.
“Just keep a level head. If we all start to panic and/or disregard the virus and the safety precautions then we’ll be stuck in quarantine longer. Just do what you’re told and I don’t know, watch some YouTube videos,” Ciecierski said.
These times are tough for people all around the world. Some do not get to see their family or friends at all. There are many ways to keep your mind and soul pleased. Students can try to keep their living space or workspace organized, work in an area that is strictly for work, and make sure to relax when needed.
“I always think that tomorrow will be better and if it’s not then it’s one day closer to happiness,” senior, Sage Luján said.

Amanda is currently an Editor-in-Chief for Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs. She is a senior in high school planning to attend the University of Mobile in the...