No dribbling allowed
Winter sports denied play
Fields and tracks begin opening up for students to use.
All winter sports programs at Centennial have been canceled, which has impacted those wanting to play sports this year.
“I miss being around my friends and how much fun all the games and practices were. I wish we could have started sports on time,” sophomore, Haydin Larson said.
Students look back at what their lives were like when sports were a daily occurrence.
“I miss being able to be with my teammates and play the sports I love,” sophomore, Carmella Korte said.
Some students have not seen each other in person for a while, which may make them miss their teammates and lose their special team bond that they had before.
“I feel like the lack of sports has made me super lazy and when it’s time to go back, it will be extra hard,” sophomore, Caroline McLoone said.
Students exercise times have drastically been reduced due to the fact that usual sports teams and activities have been shut down.
“I feel like I definitely took the season for granted. I would complain about how hot it was and when our coach made us run, but now I miss it,” Larson said.
After the start of some sports never came, students began to realize how much they took for granted before the pandemic.
“I think everyone will be a lot happier when it comes time to resume sports. I feel like they will have positive energy and more excitement to be playing now that they are able to,” Larson said.
Although the delay of sports has some negative views from students and coaches, it also has some positives such as extra excitement and gratitude for being able to play, which will make sports all the more enjoyable when we return.