Bulldogs bite on Easter traditions

Centennial students talk about Easter and how it is important to them.
Centennial students honor a wide range of holidays throughout the year and with springtime comes the season many observe as Easter.
Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are many different stories and variations on how it happened.
“Easter signifies that Jesus died and then he came back [to life]. The story is crazy because a lot of people didn’t believe in Jesus in the first place but once they saw him come back they were like woah,” sophomore, Jonathan Taylor said.
Easter can also mean completely different things to different people. Maybe Easter is just a day where students can spend time with family or have a restart day.
“Easter typically means a time of rebirth for the upcoming summer. My family does believe in Christianity, but I tend to see it more as a new beginning for nature herself,” junior, Salome Medina said.
As with Christmas and Thanksgiving, every family has unique traditions. Some students might hide eggs or maybe students just hang out with friends for the day.
“Our family does the chocolate bunny and stuff. We also go to church to refresh what we learn every year about Jesus being revived,” Taylor said.
Some students do not think Easter is relevant to their lives and do not celebrate it. This could be because of their beliefs or maybe because it was not important to their family while growing up. To others, Easter can help brighten their life for a short period of time.
“Easter is decently important to me. I love the colors, smells, and vibrancy of the holiday,” Medina said.

Amanda is currently an Editor-in-Chief for Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs. She is a senior in high school planning to attend the University of Mobile in the...