Students suffer school slump
There are many ways quarter slumps can impact the body.
Many students have thrown the term “quarter slump” around during the third quarter of this year. The definition of a quarter slump varies from student to student, but ultimately students agree it means the same thing and there is a recognition that an overall decline in productivity takes place.
“In my words, I think a quarter slump is when a kid is in a mood or does not really care about his/her grades,” sophomore, Jonathan Taylor said.
Students also go through quarter slumps in many different variations. Some may go through it physically, mentally or spiritually.
“Maybe one kid has school and their parents push that student to the limit and they get burnt out. Another student may have school, sports, and work throughout the day and they will want to try less on all of their activities,” Taylor said.
Not all students feel that they go through quarter slumps. This is a result of students’ ability to manage their schoolwork and resting time.
“I do not feel I go through quarter slumps because I want to succeed in my education. I do get tired of school but I know it would be better for my future if I push on,” Taylor said.
While it is hard to continue traversing through online school there are ways to make it easier for students in the years to come.
“A few things that students can do is when they are having a tough time to keep pushing themselves and talk to someone that you trust about what is going on. They can also come up with a plan where they know that school will help them in their future,” Taylor said.

Amanda is currently an Editor-in-Chief for Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs. She is a senior in high school planning to attend the University of Mobile in the...