Post-COVID School Experience
By: Marissa Murphy
Bark! Voice of the Bulldogs
Staff Writer
In Aug. of 2021, students found themselves back at school for the first time in over a year after social distancing because of COVID-19.
COVID-19 brought a lot of difficulties to families and students everywhere. One difficulty was online school.
Now, about a year and a half later, most students are finally back at school. Being back at school has come with many changes that have affected students and teachers.
Some changes include; masks, work being done online, using online hall passes, and using seating charts in order to keep track of who will need to test for COVID-19. When observing a school it can be seen that many students are required to wear masks at all times.
Students have also shown to struggle more with communicating with other students and teachers. While doing online school for so long most students have gotten used to not being around other people.
While students are struggling with communication, teachers are struggling with getting their students to talk to them.
Some teachers have tried to get their students to communicate with them and also trying to get the students to feel comfortable again with being around so many people.
COVID-19 has changed students’ and teachers’ time at school. Whether that’s struggling with, during social distancing school or post social distancing school, many teachers and students alike are trying to adjust to the new normal.
Marissa likes to spend her time reading. She also likes to hang out with her family and her friends. Each month she also likes to go to the movie theater...