Tips for Q4

Denver college students studying hard to achieve full school potential.

University of Denver

Denver college students studying hard to achieve full school potential.

As many know, quarter four has begun which means new challenges and roadblocks as well. Many students from the last two years do not know what to expect due to COVID-19.
Some students believe that quarter four is the easiest and others believe that quarter four is the hardest.
However, even though quarter four means the end is near, that does not mean students can forget about grades.
The National Center for Education says that 65 percent of students pass when students study. This proves with enough effort and time, any student can pass.
Everyone has the potential to pass, even many teachers think so. People tend to forget that hard work always beats natural talent.
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard,” says Tim Notke, a former basketball coach who influenced players to play hard.
Students who need advice can go to upperclassmen because those students have more experience with dealing with quarter four.