A Series of Unfortunate EVents on Netflix scores big

The original book series, A Series of Unfortunate Events, by author Lemony Snicket grossed over $211 million after it was published in Sept. of 1999. The series’ popularity ended in the production of a movie. After a low box office rating, a second movie was not made. Netflix later purchased the book’s rights and created the hit series A Series of Unfortunate Events.
The series begins in Boston City, where three young children, played by Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes and Presley Smith, are left orphaned after their parents die in a household fire. The children, who were left with a large fortune, are soon transported to a distant relative named Count Olaf who is played by Neil Patrick Harris.
Harris plays the evil parent who, on multiple accounts, tries to steal their fortune. After being caught endangering the children, Olf is denied ownership over the children by Arthur Poe played by actor K. Todd Freeman.
The children are then transported to Uncle Monty’s Reptile house, Aunt Josephine’s house, the Lumbermill and nine other homes all while being chased by Count Olaf. The children experienced exceedingly bad luck that never seemed to end. With slight evidence that their parents may be alive, the Baudelaire children head to the Hotel Denouement to find possible friends of their parents. The children find nothing out of the ordinary so they are sent to a small island.
The island was seemingly perfect until certain things were uncovered.The mysterious aspect of the episodes and movies are what make them so popular.
Students tune in for the exciting mysteries that this series has for people of all ages to enjoy. Snicket’s creativity from past years entertained students for years to come.