CCSD surprises students with return to school schedule

Students return to school or continue online.
A new schedule was released on Feb. 24, 2021, by Clark County School District Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara, which included a sudden plan to return to school.
“I don’t think the plan is thought out well to fit the students’ needs, ” freshman, Sage Tyra said.
Students and teachers wonder if the plan to return to school was planned in advance, or a push influenced by unhappy parents.
“With the new schedule, we will only see each teacher in person once every 2 weeks which starts to defeat the purpose of in-person learning. We aren’t going to have enough time to get to know our teachers because we are not seeing them as much,” Tyra said.
Along with many surprise announcements, students decide whether or not to return to the long-missed in-person education.
“The negative part about going back to school is that we have to wear a mask for the whole day and can’t really socialize,” sophomore, Jill Halas said.
Many people believe that there is no point in returning to school because, for some students who can only return in April, 14 days of school is not worth it.
“I was not expecting to go back to school. My mind was set on going back to school next year, but I am pretty excited that we are so I can participate in sports,” Halas said.
Although the new school schedule may not have been completely thought out, positivity still thrives with the idea of seeing friends and teachers.
“I am just hoping that it will all work out and I will be able to do sports,” Halas said.